Congratulations!  You have a lot to celebrate but you may want to hold off.  The real work is just beginning.  Moving is tough now matter how you slice it.   Having a plan can greatly reduce the cost and stress of your move.  Just like any other major feat, the general approach is to divide and conquer.

Here is a great checklist and timeline for tackling this uphill climb:


  • PURGE – Take a look through all of your possessions and purge anything that you haven’t used in the last year (unless of course it is of sentimental value or your KNOW you will be needing it in the near future.  You can either call a junk removal service for this or have a disposal bin delivered to your home for a day to declutter.
  • Take a look in your fridge and especially freezer.  Start eating and frozen foods.
  • Decide how your furniture and belongings will be moved, such as using a packing and moving service, or renting a truck and packing and moving yourself.
  • Schedule a moving company for your move, or reserve a truck or van rental for relocation.
  • If you will need to store any of your stuff for the move, arrange for storage space. Often your moving company can provide temporary storage.
  • If you have kids, start talking to them now about the move. Get them involved in the moving process as that will help them cope with the move, especially if this is a long-distance relocation.
  • Start packing now.  Packing is much easier when completed over a longer period of time. Focus on packing the non-essentials all the way up until your final week.


  • Arrange to have your pets transported or boarded. Start preparing your plants for the move
  • Get back any items you have lent (and give back any items you have borrowed). Pick up any items that are being repaired.
  • Dispose of flammable items such as paint, aerosol cans, and cleaning fluids.
  • Send change-of-address information to the post office and other businesses.


  • Schedule a date for a service firm to disconnect and prepare the appliances you are moving.
  • Arrange for a babysitter for moving day.Start planning to disconnect utilities.
  • Arrange for any services for your new home that will be easier to do before your things arrive, such as painting, carpet-cleaning, floor or wood cleaning.
  • Draw up a floor plan for your new home and start planning your furniture arrangement (it makes moving in twice as easy).


  • Finish packing suitcases and basic essentials. Make sure valuable documents, currency and jewellery are in a safe and easily accessed place.
  • Pack an essentials box – this box contains everything you will need the second you enter your new home; snacks, remote control, paperwork, tooth brush and paste, pet food, etc.
  • Drain garden hoses, lawn mowers, and other machinery.
  • Defrost and dry the fridge and freezer. Don’t forget to empty the defrost water pan.
  • Take down items such as curtain rods, shelves, light fixtures and mirrors that you are taking with you.
  • Dismantle large power tools, such as lathes and grinders.
  • Make sure all your important papers, keys, medications and plane tickets are available for the trip.
  • If you are travelling a long distance by car, you may want to have the car serviced.


  • Plan to stay home until the moving van has left.
  • Tour the house with the moving foreman during inventory or once the truck is loaded. Sign the bill of lading. Confirm your new address and delivery date. Check destination contact phone numbers.
  • Do a final check for overlooked items. Make sure windows and doors are locked, lights are turned off, utilities are discontinued or turned off, and the keys are transferred.
  • Review all of your furniture on and paperwork before moving company leaves